According to Statista, today two-thirds of the world's population has access to the internet and a bank account; so far, so good; let us now look at the number of people who have access to a simple credit, according to globalfindex: that is between 40 and 50 percent of the world's population, not bad; but what if we looked at how it is distributed? How many people can get a mortgage? How many businesses can go public? How many small businesses around the world have a fair chance to compete with large established corporations? How many businesses in the world have a chance to grow in size? How many students can pay off their student loans? Got it yet?,62%20percent%20to%2069%20percent.
There is a new emerging economy in the midst of liquidity cycles, rising inflation, war, unfair advantages, falling democracies, and political turmoil, among other problems that our generation will inherit. These issues are not new, but a decentralized world, social media, and artificial intelligence have given the Millennial generation a way to make their voices heard and count. The opportunity exists in this still immature developing economy, a globalization from within and without; the technologies exist, but millennial generations still do not understand the true meaning of value. Most of their "investments" are classified as speculation: assets with no cashflows or proven business models, experimental complex technologies that are still in the testing phase, and a plethora of Ponzi schemes and scams.
The abundance of cash following the FED's second printing spree, combined with the baby boomer savings left to the younger generations, pushed interest rates to never-before-seen lows, leaving investors with no choice but to seek higher returns in the PE and VC markets, as well as emerging crypto currency technologies. But the party is over, and we are at the start of the boost liquidity cycle; cryptos did not appear to act as a hedge against inflation, instead following the same path as the economy. So the new decentralized economy is facing a reckoning, and we can almost see the synthesis of this dialectic between unregulated and regulated markets: A market that is decentralized but regulated. Of course, the next question will be: who will regulate it? Ever hear of DAO’s?
